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© Youcheng Zhang
Bo Peng is a Nevile Research Fellowship at Magdalene College, Cambridge. He is also a fourth-year PhD student in the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge. During his MSc and BSc at Fudan University, he explored different research topics in computational condensed matter physics such as heat transport and optoelectronics, and he visited the Institute of Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences for one year, working on searching for material candidates with topological features in their band structures. His PhD research focuses on topological phonons and their non-Abelian braiding, which has the potential to form the basis for quantum computation. 
He has published 28 first-author papers in journals such as Nature Communications (co-corresponding author), Science Advances and Journal of the American Chemical Society (sole author), with an impact factor of 277 and over 2100 citations (up to September 2022), including one Top 0.1% Hot Paper and four Top 1% Highly Cited Papers. He received Cavendish Prize in Computational Physics, Cutting-edge Research by Young Scientists from Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, Committee of 100 (US) Leadership Scholarship, Falling Walls Lab Slovakia Winner, Daheng Wang Award in Optics, etc.
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