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© Eleanor Dare
Dr. Eleanor Dare has taught digital media, VR/AR, interaction design, computer programming and themes relating to teaching and digital theory at Cambridge University, the Royal College of Art, Goldsmiths, the University of Derby, the Open University, UCL and the University of the Arts. From 2017-2021 Eleanor was a Senior Tutor, Reader in Digital Media and then Head of Programme for MA Digital Direction at the RCA. Eleanor has extensive experience as an interaction designer and critical technologist, with numerous exhibitions and published papers addressing computation, AI, and digital interaction. These include chapters in MIT’s Leonardo, ACM Interactions, Routledge, Sage and Intellect Books. Eleanor is an AHRC Peer Review College Member and External Examiner for Ravensbourne University (2019 – 2022). Eleanor is currently a Teaching Associate at Cambridge University, with additional roles at Central Saint Martins, UCL and the Royal College of Art.
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