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© Piao Mao
Feifan Lou is the current MPhil student majoring in Art, Creativity, and Education at the University of Cambridge. Her research focus is on curation and education in museums and galleries. She completed her undergraduate studies in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts) at the Education University of Hong Kong, with a focus on various art forms such as painting, ceramics, theatre, dance, and photography. She is also interested in the management and research of cross-cultural art projects, curatorial practices and art education. She has worked in many arts and non-profit organizations in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and the UK, including the Hong Kong Society for Education in Arts, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Royal Opera House, and the West Lake Education Foundation. Her previous responsibilities included public affairs, publishing, event planning, development of learning projects, and project evaluation. She subsequently obtained a master’s degree (with Distinction) in Museums and Galleries in Education at UCL, focusing on the contemporary publicness of museums and galleries. She also used to be the curator for the exhibition "A murmuration: Taking Refuge" at the Candid Arts Centre in London, focusing on the collaborative knowledge production.
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