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Information Decay

Consider the propagation of sound through space: as we move further from the speakers, the volume diminishes, highlighting the importance of the medium through which information is transmitted. This principle holds true in the digital realm, where information is expected to be conveyed with high fidelity. A common perspective on information decay in the digital realm stems from data loss during transmission, such as the loss of magnetization on our disks.

However, in our contemporary world, dominated by the increasing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various aspects of our lives and production processes, we must acknowledge the potential for unintentional "decay" in our mass information transmission mechanisms. In that sense, the decay can no longer be simplified as omitting data, but also deforming and adding artifacts that are beyond the original context.

This raises questions about our traditional understanding of effective and ineffective data. What fundamental concepts endure amidst countless transformations? Are biases inadvertently introduced along the way? These inquiries prompt critical reflections on the integrity and preservation of information amidst its dissemination, particularly within the evolving landscape shaped by AI technologies.

The setup in this part relies heavily on input from participants. However, a unique twist is introduced: participants cannot communicate directly with each other. Instead, their messages undergo multiple translations facilitated by Chat-GPT. These translations may involve conversion between image and text formats or even between different languages. Through this process, participants gain a firsthand experience of informational decay influenced by AI. 

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