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© Youcheng Zhang
Michelle Zhang holds an MPhil in Education (Arts, Creativity, and Education) from the University of Cambridge. Inspired by Deleuzian and New-Materialist ideas, her research focused on the experience of non-arts students attending performing arts productions in higher education. She also explored how these events create a liminal space that allows for the reconfiguration of power relations. Currently, Michelle works in a not-for-profit organisation, where she supports education projects that improve access to and the quality of education worldwide. In her free time, Michelle continues to pursue her passion for the arts, especially for theatre, dance, and music. She has directed, produced, acted in multiple productions, and choreographed dance pieces in contemporary, street, and traditional Chinese styles. Through her interdisciplinary approach, she hopes to challenge traditional binary conceptions of professional versus amateur artists and advocate for a more inclusive and collaborative vision of the arts and the creative community.
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